Saturday 10 January 2015


Last Sunday, my Pit Kings met the gangers of Clan Mahabbii on their turf. We attempted to run before we had walked, squeezing a Necromunda style shoot-out (scenario 7) into a limited movement table set to represent a Mahabbii thermal vent.

The Pit Kings were tasked with sneaking from the left of the picture at the low, green platform to exit the table at the extreme right hand side of the picture beyond the three tier tower. The 'board' represented free space and was not a solid surface. That meant that all models had to remain on the terrain or fall to their doom.

The Pit Kings raced towards the intersection at the centre of the table where Clan Mahabbii Servitors and House serfs were labouring. The Mahabbii sentries used random movement until they passed awareness rolls at which point they reacted as per shoot-out. This was laboured, but a good learning experience.

Half the Tech gangers reacted and moved towards the interlopers casually challenging the Scavvies. The Underhivers appeared to be losing their nerve, but my opponent opted to have his raw recruit lose his nerve. Said ganger fired the opening volley and killed a Scavvy outright. Things degraded from there.

Return fire from the Scavvies wounded the Techies. Then they, in turn, killed another Pit King. The Tech gang of Clan Mahabbii lost their leader to two serious Head Wounds and the Pit Kings leader died from a full auto burst which exploded his left leg. A Scavvy started slugging it out with a Tech juve, but he used his shotgun to club the raw recruit and not his sword... Not very clever.

We 'called it' there, as time was getting away from us. So, what did we learn?

*We bit off more than we can chew. Don't attach complexities to Confrontation and allow enough time to see the game to its end.
*Cover from terrain offers protection from penetration. It took us ages to work out where the effect from limited cover came into play.
*We need alot more 'street furniture'. Cover is very important.
*We will apply the type of RPG behaviour that we use in INQ28 to Confrontation - no Scavvy worth his salt is going to assault his opponent without drawing his sword!
*Lasguns are evil. Far from the rubbishy 'Guard weapon in 40K, a Lasgun hit really hurts. Really, that surprised me and is my overall lesson from the game.

Graciously, my opponent declared that it was only a trial game and that we 'reset' our gangs, prior to the kick-off of our campaign.


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